Oracle Alta UI color palette

The colors of Oracle’s new user interface

Oracle announced Alta User Interface – a new design and set of guidelines for the developers for the latest Oracle applications (cloud-based products, Fusion Middleware and mobile applications) and the next Oracle products to come. Alta UI is created as a responisve, mobile-ready, flat and clean interface designOracleAltaUI1 The key principles on which Alta UI is based are:

  • Mobile friendly design 
    With multi-device support, layouts created to fit within 1024px display width, responsive design
  • Simple and uncluttered layouts
    Fewer elements on page, more open spaces, less ‘chrome’ used
  • Clean information hierarchy
    Pages created out of simple, modular elements
  • More visual content
    Use visualizations and info graphics to present information, usage of Alta UI color palette

How does it look? Here are some examples of applications and pages with Oracle Alta UI:

Oracle_Alta_UI_Screenshot_Example4  Oracle Alta UI Screenshot Example
Oracle Developer Cloud Service Dashboard and Oracle Help Center – Home Page
Oracle Alta UI Screenshot Example  Oracle Alta UI Screenshot Example

Oracle Work Better mobile dashboard and Oracle SampleApp – System Load dashboard

Below a reduced color palette with hexadecimal (HEX) codes from the Alta Icon Web Design Guide. You can start using them for OBIEE reports and dashboards for a fresher, clean feel.

#dedf54 #e9ea92 #ecf1cd
#c8d657 #dce392 #e7eecd
#b3ce5b #cdde92 #dfebcd
#9bc55d #bdd792 #d9eacc
#81bb5f #aed292 #d1e7cc
#67b460 #9ecc92 #c9e3ca
#45ac62 #8dc592 #c8e3d1
#42ad75 #8bc6a0 #c8e4d6
#3caf85 #89c7ad #c7e4de
#36b099 #87c9ba #c7e6e2
#2db3ac #86cac6 #c7e7e9
#22b5bd #85ccd2 #c6e7ee
#13b6cf #83cdde #c6e8f5
#00b8df #81cee9 #c5e8f8
#00b8ed #80cff3 #c5e2f6
#17ace4 #82c5ec #c5def3
#309fdb #84bbe6 #c5d9ee
#4092d0 #85b3df #c5d3eb
#4a85c5 #87a9d7 #c5cee8
#5277b8 #899ed0 #c5c8e3
#5a68ad #8b92c7 #c5c3df
#5f58a2 #8d87c0 #c5bcdd
#614a9a #8e7db8 #cac0dd
#754b9a #9c80b8 #d2c2de
#854e9b #a984b8 #d9c4de
#97519b #b686b9 #dfc6df
#aa529b #c28aba #e4c8df
#ba559c #ce8ebb #ebcadf
#ca589d #d992bc #efcddf
#da5c9d #e394bc #f5cfe0
#e75e9e #ec97bd #f5cfdd
#e85e93 #ec96b6 #f5ced7
#e85d88 #ec96ad #f6ced2
#e85d7d #ed95a3 #f6cdcd
#e85d70 #ed949b #f6cdc7
#e85c63 #ed9391 #f6ccc2
#e95b54 #ed9286 #f6ccbc
#e95b46 #ee927c #f6cab7
#e95a38 #ee9270 #f7d1b9
#eb6d3a #f09f76 #f8d6bc
#ed813e #f3ac7a #f9ddc0
#f09543 #f5b97e #fae2c3
#f4aa46 #f8c583 #fae2c3
#f8bb48 #f9d286 #fbe9c5
#fbce4a #fcde8a #fcedc8
#ffdf4d #ffe98f #fff4cc
#ffee4f #fff492 #fff8ce

Besides the limited color palette there are seven colors that are recommended to be used as grey or neutral tones:

#537fa8 #6e8598 #919fab #afbac5 #cfdce8 #c5def4 #f5f5f5

Oracle provided also an extended palette with more color tones, which is available here:
For the full Oracle Alta UI documentation see: