How to remove bevels, spaces and box shadows from OBIEE Dashboard?
By default, dashboard sections are visually separated from each other using spaces, borders, bevels and box shadows. Also the default color of dashboard background is light blue. We may want to remove it to get a cleaner dashboard display.
In order to do that we will override those settings by adding custom styles for two dashboard elements. We need to edit the dashboard page and add a Text object where we can put the CSS style. Let’s add it at the top of the dashboard:
Inside the Text object check the Contains HTML markup box and paste the following style
<style> .DashboardPageContentDiv { background-color:white; padding:0px } .SectionTable { background-image:none; border-left:none; border-right:none; border-bottom:none; border-top:none; margin-right:0px; margin-left:0px; -webkit-box-shadow:none; box-shadow:none } </style>
This will override the values of CSS class properties in portalcontent.css file containing default display styles for the dashboards which can be found in:
Note: In OBIEE versions earlier than the path is:
In DashboardPageContentDiv class we will change dashboard background color from light blue to white and remove the padding. For the SectionTable class, we will override the styles to remove margins, section box borders, background image and shadow.