Hide dashboard objects in OBIEE

How to hide a column or section from the dashboard display?

This workaround allows you to embed dashboard objects that are hidden from the view. Using this property you can hide Dashboard Column, Section or Alert Section objects. To hide particular reports or prompt you need to put them inside the hidden column or section.

We will need to use CSS formating to hide the dashboard elements. First, go to the top right corner of the column or section you want to hide and click on Format Section (or Format Column):


Click on Custom CSS Style Options (HTML Only) and check Use Custom CSS Style.HideDashboardObjectsOBIEE2

In the text box put:

display: none;

The element with this property won’t be displayed on the dashboard. Note that this affects only the display of the dashboard, if you export the dashboard contents to a PDF the objects hidden with the CSS formatting will be visible.

Auto replace shortcuts in Oracle SQL Developer

How to enable auto replace shortcuts in Oracle SQL Developer?

In the Auto replace shortcuts in Toad post I showed you how to add auto-replace shortcuts in a Toad client. You can acheive the same in Oracle SQL Developer – here that feature is called SQL Editor Code Templates.


How to add a code template shortcut in SQL Developer?

First, go to Tools / Preferences:


Choose Database / SQL Editor Code Templates and click on Add Template button. For example add these two code templates:

saf - SELECT * FROM 

Now to use the auto replace code template type the shortcut and press CTRL and SPACEBAR keys. Shortcut will be replaced with a pre-defined statement.

Open previous versions of objects in Informatica PowerCenter

With versioning control, Informatica PowerCenter stores the previous versions of objects inside them. You can open in workspace any of the previous versions. To do that right-click on the object and select Versioning / View History:


Now you can see the history of all versioned changes with their dates, users, and comments. Select the version you want to preview with right-click and choose Open in Workspace:


Now the session is opened in the workspace (notice the (v2) prefix that indicates the version):


You can do that as well with other objects in Workflow Manager and Workflow Designer.  Objects from versioning history will have the prefixes with the version number:


Change the colors of status bars in Workflow Monitor

How to change status bar color in Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Monitor?

In Workflow Monitor running and succeeded status bars are by default in similar greenish colors. This can be quite confusing and makes it harder to skim quickly through the statuses of  the sessions. To avoid this, you can customize the colors of status bars.


To do that go to Tools / Options and select Gantt Chart tab. Here you can specify two colors for each session (if you choose two different the bar will be a gradient) and color for recovered tasks:


Let’s choose a light green for running sessions to distinguish it from completed sessions:


After changing the colors it’s easier to differentiate the statuses of monitored sessions:
